How to Write an Outstanding 7 Paragraph Essay with No Worries
Writing an essay with 7 paragraphs may be confusing as there are no strict requirements regarding the content of each paragraph. Therefore, here the content will greatly depend on the type of the essay you are writing as well as the information you are going to use. Nevertheless, there are several tips that will help you to cope with a 7 paragraph essay regardless of your topic and content.
In general, a 7-paragraph essay is the most suitable for the text of 4 pages (or 1000-1200 words double-spaced). This is not a big paper to conduct an in-depth research; however, that should still be a thoroughful essay with credible arguments and persuasive points. Usually such format is used for argumentative or contrast-comparative essay; still, you can write a 7-paragraph essay with other types of the papers as well — just make sure that you will have enough space to use all your arguments and will not have to add empty information in order to meet the necessary number of paragraphs. So, let’s see how the most widespread types of 7-paragraph essay should be written.
Tips for Writing a 7-paragraph Persuasive Essay
The number of paragraphs in a persuasive paper usually depends on the number of arguments you wish to use. Therefore, we recommend to develop the structure of your paper based on the points you wish to discuss rather than to build the content around the preferred number of paragraphs. Nevertheless, if you wish to stick specifically to a 7-paragraph essay, here is the basic structure you can use for a persuasive paper:
I. Introduction
In the introduction, you should state why the issue you are going to discuss is relevant, grab the attention of the audience, and introduce your position, as well as the main points that prove it.
II. Background
Here, you can get the audience familiar with the topic or the most difficult aspects of it, if the topic chosen contains specific concepts. If not, you can return to the history of the issue or tell about crucial studies on the problem.
III-V. The arguments that substantiate your position
In the body paragraphs, you should persuade the audience that your position is correct. Use the relevant arguments and sources to make your points even more credible.
VI. The contrargument
Include at least one argument that may contradict your position and show its inconsistency. In such a case, you will strengthen your position by showing that its critics is not credible.
VII. Conclusion
Finish the essay by summarizing the main arguments and strengthening your position even more (if possible).
You can also use different types of outline for 7-paragraph persuasive essay: for instance, you can omit the background paragraph and use additional argument for your position. However, make sure that all the arguments used are totally different from each other, while all of them are strong and crucial for your position.
How to Write a 7-paragraph Compare and Contrast Essay
While you can use additional paragraphs to include more arguments in the persuasive essay; the similar approach can be used while writing a comparative essay. Basically, instead of the arguments you will use more points for comparing or contrasting the issues. As in the previous example, you can use one paragraph for background; however, that may be not necessary if both objects of comparison are familiar to the audience — it all depends on the topic you have chosen for the compare and contrast essay. Still, you can use the paragraph after introduction for the different purposes. Here we will introduce two different types of 7-paragraph compare and contrast essay, both of which can be used in academic writing.
Option 1
I. Introduction
Again, provide a catchy statement to attract the audience, add some relevant information further, and finish the paragraph with a well-developed thesis statement.
II. Reasons for Comparing
Instead of providing background, you can inform the reader on why the two points of your choice should be actually compared. However, this paragraph will work only if the link is not obvious: if you will compare Clinton and Trump or World War I and World War II, there is no need to explain why you have chosen these two particular people or phenomena.
III-VI. Points of Comparing
Use the points you will build the comparison around. Make sure that they allow seeing the issues chosen from the different sides, spotting the real differences between them.
VII. Conclusion
Finish the paper summarizing all the points of comparison/contrast and explain why it is essential.
Option 2 will be similar; however, differences in the structure might be as follows:
I. Introduction
II. Point of comparison
III. Point of contrast
IV. Point of comparison
V. Point of contrast
VI. Point of comparison
VII. Conclusion
You can change the order and start from the point of comparison. However, it is essential to finish with the point that you consider the strongest: therefore, if you think that two objects are rather different than similar, make sure that your last body paragraph discusses the differences.