A chronological essay is rarely used as a term even though it is incredibly widespread in writing practice. Learn all the secrets of writing a chronological essay with myeasypaper.com 


Chronological Essay Definition: What Is It?

You all have definitely written a chronological essay at least once in your life. We are writing so with great certainty as this is one of the most widespread types of essay or the methods to write it. A chronological paper is the one where all the events are written in a linear order, starting from the very beginning and ending with the last event of the sequence. Basically, biographies are often written chronologically: you first read about the date and circumstances of someone’s birth, then — childhood, studying, adult life, and death. So, historical texts are most often written chronologically as it’s much easier to trace cause-effect relations between the connected events in this case. 

However, the chronological essay is not only the instrument of historians. It is often the easiest way to describe any event or process: you just start from the very beginning and continue writing according to the way everything happened. Starting from the ending or the most intriguing part usually requires more skills and practice as it is used to raise the reader’s interest. That is why those students who only start learning the principles of academic writing usually refer to the regular chronological order. 


Organizational Strategies for Using Chronological Order in Writing

Even though chronological order is the basic one, it can be difficult to use it correctly. The issue is that it requires strict chronological order, while in the regular process of communication we can skip some events, return to them later, or add irrelevant details as we speak. In the writing, we tend to do the same, so it’s better to prepare yourself and avoid this mistake. So, what can you do?

  1. Create a plan. Write a brief outline that will include a strict order of events.
  2. Proofread your plan. Make sure you have included all the necessary events.
  3. Organize described events in chronological order.
  4. Eliminate unnecessary events and details that can affect the perception of your text.
  5. Write an essay according to your plan.
  6. Add signal words that can smooth transitions between specific events or steps.
  7. Dedicate a separate paragraph to each step or event.
  8. Proofread it once again. 


Topics for a Chronological Order Essay

Generally, the chronological sequence is used for three types of papers: historical papers (stories about events or biographies), fictional stories, and explaining processes or procedures. Therefore, we can divide possible topics into three categories. 

Historical topics:

  • Battle of Gettysburg 
  • The life of Abraham Lincoln 
  • Civil War: Main events
  • The war in Ukraine: How it lasted during the first months of a horrible attack
  • The main milestones of human activity in space
  • World War II: Brief description of its history 


Process/procedure essay: 

  • How to write a compare and contrast essay
  • How to complete a winning annotated bibliography 
  • How to prepare the best cake ever: Main steps
  • How to cook eggs properly: Different methods and levels of preparation 
  • How to write a proper application letter 
  • How children grow up: Major milestones 
  • How we breathe: A basic explanation for students


Fictional Stories

Here we cannot name exact topics as fictional stories are always developed by their authors. However, you can also use chronological order when you retell the plot of the book, such as in 1984 or A Rose for Emily


Chronological Sequence in an Essay: Example of Preparation 

To make things clear, we have decided to prepare an example of a chronological order essay, using one of its most widespread forms — a process essay. You can use this example to make your own wonderful chronological essay. If you still need help with it, feel free to place the order with us — our experts will do their best to meet all your demands. 


A Life of a Plastic Bottle: How Its Pieces Appear in Your Water

One sunny day, a bottle was produced. It was made out of plastic on a giant production somewhere in Wisconsin. The bottle was made for a purpose — it was created to be filled in with a soda drink. And that is what was done — and on the following day the bottle started its journey. 

It was delivered in a huge truck to a sorting center. Out of it the bottle was put in a smaller van and distributed to a supermarket. It was standing on a shelf for a week until one of the shop workers decided to put it in a fridge. That’s where a boy with blue eyes and a red cap has found it. It was so hot on that July day that the boy decided to buy something refreshing. He took the first bottle that he saw — it appeared to be the bottle with a soda drink. The boy bought it, drank it, and left it on a bench. 

The bottle was standing on the bench until a wind became stronger and blew it out on the ground. It blew the bottle on a huge road, where it was crumpled by the wheels of a school bus. It was lying under the sun for several weeks near the road. As the wind was blowing, sand started covering it, hiding from human eyes. No one was thinking about the bottle passing down this road. 

However, the bottle continued its life under the ground. It was slowly decomposing, losing micro parts day by day. Some of these parts were so tiny that they looked the same as the sand that was covering the bottle. Some of the parts were moving down the ground, deeper and deeper until they reached a source of water. Combining with water, parts of the bottle continued their journey under the ground, moving slowly in the direction of a river. Reaching the river, these parts moved further until they found an ocean. 

One cannot count the weeks and the months that the bottle parts spent in the ocean. However, one day they moved once again: a huge pump sucked it and started filtrating — again, under the ground. These parts were moving from one filter to another until the moment they were pushed from a tap into a glass. A man in a red T-shirt wanted to have a drink and after not finding anything in his fridge decided to sip some water. That’s when the micro parts of the bottle disappeared in the darkness of his organism.