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Freedom of Speech Thesis Statement

A good paper always starts with a thesis statement. Here are some options you can use in your essay: 


  • Freedom of speech should not be absolute as it causes such negative phenomena as yellow journalism, propaganda spreading, and political rumors.
  • Freedom of speech should be apparent in all forms even though it is not always convenient.
  • Even the tiniest limitation of freedom of speech will lead to gradual censorship and governmental propaganda. 
  • Freedom of speech is a powerful tool for ruining dictatorship and establishing democratic states. 
  • Despite attempts to have it, freedom of speech is yet to be achieved in modern society. 


We will work with the last thesis statement to make an essay sound fresh and original.


Freedom of Speech Argumentative Essay Example: Is Freedom of Speech Real?


Freedom of speech is considered one of the basic elements of a democratic society and one of the fundamental human rights. At the same time, many countries still use censorship to control their people, while even in democracy debates on the necessity of freedom of speech do not stop. Even though it is regarded as significant and fundamental, freedom of speech is yet to be achieved even in the most liberal countries. 

The First Amendment clearly states that freedom of speech and freedom of the press should not be limited or abridged by the government; however, there might be some exclusions. For instance, hate speech is considered an offense in the United States, leading to possibility of imprisonment. At the same time, legal status of hate speech is supported by the First Amendment, as limiting one in their ability to state their views is the same as violation of one’s freedom of speech. Lawyers tried to argue that hate speech can be regulated by Fourteenth Amendment if it provokes aggressive actions regarding specific people or group of people. Still, such a suggestion did not succeed, so the case of regulating hate speech is quite complicated. Legally, hate speech cannot be punished if it does not involve violence or call for violence; on the other hand, it gives a free hand to offenders, especially in chauvinistic crimes. 

Apart from hate speech, which keeps its unclear status, freedom of speech is limited in other ways as well; two official examples include obscenity and fighting words. Obscene words as prohibited for use in press and in public as they affect society’s “order and morality.” The only way in which obscene words can be used is when the person uses them privately, in their own home. Fighting words, instead, cannot be used anywhere as they may potentially violate peace and cause physical conflict. Even though cases of fighting words and hate speech are similar, their status of protection by the First Amendment is totally different. From the point of morality and order, limiting such words and expressions is correct: someone’s willingness to hurt others should not be tolerated. Still, the fact remains: creating exclusions that are not protected by the First Amendment, the United States put limitations on the freedom of speech. 

Even in the cases when freedom of speech is legally protected, society brings its own limitations. Many cases of political opposition in educational institutions took place after 2016 when polarization of society significantly increased. As a result, many guests in universities were disinvited or unwelcome in case colleges or universities mainly had different political views. Official censorship did not take place in these cases; however, people with opposing political views lost their right to freedom of speech, being limited in their ability to express their political views. Another example presupposed an official ban on wearing political symbols during election days in order to prevent agitation and propaganda. Such a ban can be also considered a violation of one’s right to freedom of speech; even though it took place in one state only, it was still another example of how freedom of speech can be locally limited. 

Above mentioned cases and limitations were taken from American social and political spheres, while in other countries freedom of speech is less protected both legally and ideologically. The United States majorly follows the First Amendment and guarantees freedom of speech even when it seems ethically doubtful. However, many modern countries have severe limitations. It is logical to see serious censorship in economically and ideologically isolated countries, such as Syria or North Korea. However, freedom of speech is seriously limited even in economically strong and perfectly integrated in global politics countries, such as China or Taiwan. Moreover, countries with severe religious regulations often also presuppose limitations on freedom of speech. So, for the majority of the world real freedom of speech may be unachievable. 

Freedom of speech is a concept that liberal and democratic societies always aim to achieve and imply. Indeed, throughout the decades, people made a huge step toward real freedom and liberty. At the same time, legal regulations, religious prescriptions, and moral ideas prevent modern world from having freedom of speech in its full sense. 


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