Do you need to write an informative speech on procrastination and procrastinate at the same time? We understand you! That’s why we have developed a free outline of informative speech on procrastination. You can use it for further expansion or order your own speech crafter according to your instructions here


More About Informative Speech on Procrastination

Informative speech differs from other types of speeches primarily with its aim: it doesn’t persuade anyone and doesn’t inspire anyone to do something. Instead, it focuses on providing objective information about a fact, an issue, an event, or a person. It’s very important to maintain focus on informing and not shift to persuading, for example. 


What topic can you choose if you write about procrastination? 

There are plenty of options! You can focus on reasons for procrastination (and we will use this topic for an informative speech outline example). Here are some other options:

  • Popular ways of fighting procrastination
  • Specifics of procrastination among college students
  • Negative effects of procrastination 
  • Positive sides of procrastination
  • Psychological view on procrastination
  • Hamlet’s procrastination in Shakespeare’s well-known play
  • When procrastination should be treated?
  • Is your procrastination what you actually think? Diseases and conditions that are similar to procrastination. 


Outline of Informative Speech on Procrastination

Now let’s work on the chosen topic to develop an outline about reasons for procrastination. This is an approximate outline, but you can rely on it while working on your own speech. Alternatively, you can order an outline or the whole speech with a 10% discount here. Let’s get down to business!


  • General aim: to inform
  • Specific aim: to inform on causes of procrastination
  • Thesis statement: Procrastination may appear in various situations and with various people, but major causes of it include bad emotional well-being, lack of motivation, and personal traits.



Attention grabber: Have you ever tried to finish the projects, but eventually did everything apart from actually working on it? It happened to me hundreds of times. 

Context: In fact, 80%–95% of college students procrastinate at some point in their studying process, so I am almost sure that you feel me here. 

Credibility: As I am tired of the fruits that procrastination constantly brings, I have decided to dig into materials about it. I read scientific studies along with popular explanations, so I am here to tell you about reasons why you may procrastinate.

Thesis statement: Procrastination may appear in various situations and with various people, but major causes of it include bad emotional well-being, lack of motivation, and personal traits.


Transition: Let’s check the first group of reasons for procrastination, which are temporal.



Point #1

One of the reasons why people tend to procrastinate is current emotional well-being — its negative form, to be precise. 

  1. Anxiety is one of the most serious causes of procrastination.
  2. Another crucial reason is feeling overwhelmed. 
  3. If one of these reasons appeals to you, it’s almost a piece of good news as such moods can be overcome much easier than constant states.


Transition: Another reason for procrastination that can be easily addressed is lack of motivation.


Point #2

When you don’t understand exactly why you should do specific actions, your brain finds plenty of other things to do. 

  1. There are several aspects of this problem, one of which is unclear goals. 
  2. Sometimes goals can be too far in the future, so for the brain, they are not connected with the current needs or desires. 
  3. Another issue is perfectionism, which is also connected with a lack of motivation.

             3.1. Perfectionism is connected with creating goals that are hard to achieve. 

             3.2. While a procrastinator sets difficult goals, this person also considers them achieved only if they are the same as they have imagined. Thus, we return to the problem of unachievable goals.


Transition: While you can work with goal setting and your current moods, there is a reason for procrastination that is quite difficult to overcome.


Point #3

Sometimes procrastination may walk a long road with you: this is connected with psychological peculiarities of personality.

  1. ADHD has a big number of behavioral patterns, which can cause procrastination, including inattentiveness, low self-esteem, and lack of self-organization. 
  2. Often procrastination may be connected with depression, as an overall negative state of mind also affects our ability to perform. 


Transition: Now as we have discussed major reasons, we can move to the conclusion.



Summarizing: We have touched upon several reasons for procrastination, including bad moods, problems of motivation, and psychological states. 

Clincher: Understanding is the first step to problem-solving, so I help you will be able to make yours.