Don’t know what to write in your childhood memories essay? We have gathered top bits of advice and examples on Make sure to check them!



How to Find the Suitable Topic for your Childhood Memories Essay? 

Papers about childhood are always personal, so there is no wonder that every student usually comes up with a specific topic or focus. Some students prefer to write touching stories about their losses, some — describe their first love, while others consider their relationships with the family the most crucial part of their essay. There is no one correct direction that can help you to write an excellent essay; however, we advise you to choose one of two approaches while working on the paper. 

The first approach is describing the most interesting event from your childhood. It can be either positive or negative, depending on the mood of your paper. You can write about your first trip with your parents, the competition which you won, or a significant loss.

The second approach is to focus on the specific topic that describes your childhood in general. For example, you can write about your warm relationships with your parents, your games with peers, or the way you were growing up along with your best friend. 

Regardless of the approach you choose, make sure you pack your essay with emotions so that the readers could feel empathy while reading your work.


How to Make Up a Worthy Topic?

It’s not that easy to come up with a fresh and emotional idea for your childhood memories essay. That’s why we have provided a list of actions that can help you in brainstorming your unique topic for this assignment. 

  1. Consider funny memories from your childhood. Which one has made you laugh the most? What was the day of the biggest joy in the first years of your life?
  2. Write down all the events from your memory: just in a few words, without overthinking. One event will remind you about another one, and so on. In the end, you will have a long list of memories, one of which (or even several ones) can be the best topic for your paper.
  3. Refer not only to positive but also to a negative experience. It’s not obligatory to write something nice and warming: childhood can be disappointing too. So if negative memory sounds more appealing to you, don’t be afraid to use it. Moreover, your paper will definitely stand out from a bunch of lovely but tedious essays.
  4. As your parents or other relatives about their memories of your childhood. Some of your memories may be the same as the part of your own reminiscences as they are actually built on what you were told by your family. However, there may be something you did not know before, which will not only create for you an evening full of joyful retrospections but also help you to discover a noteworthy topic. 
  5. Find objects from your childhood, if there are any, and spend some time looking at them. Maybe these objects will raise some feelings or memories that you would like to share in your essay. 

You can also check a wider guide from Harvard University on how to retrieve memories from your childhood. To see it, click here



Childhood Memories Topic Examples

In case you still haven’t found a perfect topic for your paper, don’t worry! We have developed several examples that can help you in developing your own idea. 

  1. My childhood memories of my hometown
  2. How I found and lost my best friend
  3. My dog: The best friend from the first years of my life
  4. How my grandma taught me to cook (and to respect food)
  5. My first trip to Italy: The country that I felt in love with
  6. The first memory of my early childhood I remember
  7. Memories about my grandpa
  8. Iceskating — hobby from my childhood that saved my life
  9. The biggest fear of my childhood 
  10. Celebrating Christmas with my family
  11. My imaginary friend
  12. The most ridiculous moment in my life
  13. The event that made me grow up very fast
  14. The best present I have ever received
  15. The day when I felt like the happiest child in the world


How to Make Your Childhood Memories Essay Engaging and Gripping?

Now that you have the topic in your mind, there is another issue that may occur: even the best topic in the world can be followed by the dullest text ever. So, picking the right topic is great, but describing it properly is even more important. Unlike the majority of academic essays, a paper about your memories should be emotional, rather than objective. Here you should raise empathy, delight, joy, or even sadness — depending on the event you describe. That’s why there are several specific rules to follow when you are working on this type of assignment:

1. Start with a strong hook

Hooks are always crucial in the essay; however, they should be really catching if we are talking about personal essays. If you describe a specific event, you can start from the most intriguing part of it — in this case, the attention of the reader will be kept until the very end. 

2. Refer to senses

Show, don’t tell. In personal essays, you should share feelings and senses that you had while living a specific event or sharing some memories. You can describe smells, light, temperature, and other details to make your description as realistic as possible. 

3. Stay organized 

Our memories are not linear. You can think about one event, which will lead you to something else, ending up too far away from the topic. Even though a stream of consciousness is a separate narrative mode, it is too difficult to master. In case you don’t have special writing classes that specialize in narrations, avoid this method as it will make your paper messy and disorganized. 

4. Don’t add too many events or characters

Each moment is flanked by lots of simultaneous events, surrounded by many people, and connected with numerous emotions. However, you cannot describe all of them even if you remember them all. Always keep in mind the general route and idea of your paper — what exactly you want to share — and eliminate the rest.

5. Still, maintain the details

Avoiding details will lead you to the general essay. As we are trying to raise the emotions of the audience, we cannot agree to a regular description of the past. Many people had first love in school, and even more — joyful vacations with their family and relatives. What makes your story different? Details. The car you were driving, the songs you were singing, the views that you were observing during the ride… All these things make your memories special, so they should be described, or, at least, mentioned. 


Step-by-Step Guide on Writing Your Childhood Essay

In the end, we have decided to create a brief roadmap that will help you to complete your childhood experience essay. It’s not mandatory to follow this pattern; however, it will guide you a bit on how it should look. You can use it as an outline as well. 


  1. Introduction. 
    1. The strongest hook that is ever possible
    2. Some details that will keep your audience interested, yet will not disclose the main intrigue
    3. Thesis statement 
  2. Body
    1. Topic sentence
    2. Details of your memory
    3. Specific examples that will help your audience imagine the event you are describing
    4. Why you have chosen this event* 
  3. Conclusion
    1. The touching ending of your paper
    2. Consequences or conclusions that you have made from this experience.


  • you should not write here “I have decided to write about this memory because” if you are not in a high school. Instead, write something that will answer “So what?” Question of the audience. There should be a reason you have chosen specific memory over the rest, right?


In a conclusion…

Writing a narrative essay on childhood memories is difficult even though it does not require strict language, deep research, work with sources, and other typical elements of academic writing. At the same time, it craves self-reflection, the ability to work with memories and feelings, as well as desire to do so. If you don’t feel you are good at it, you can always place the order with us and get professional assistance from our experts.